Thursday, November 29, 2007

Use of Pepper Spray on Youths

Texas Youth Commission officials have come to an agreement to restrict the use of pepper spray on unruly youths. It is still uncertain though if this proposal could last due to a new policy which would yet again liberalize pepper spray. The agency does not like the wording of the new rule. It has scheduled an upcoming hearing on the use of pepper spray on out of control youths. Their conditions that they want heard is to limit the use of pepper spray to situations with youths that could be dangerous. They also state that they want to limit the amount of spray that would be needed to just prevent any danger or harm. I believe that this agency is right. The use of pepper spray on youths seems a little too extreme. If a situation gets out of hand and lives are at stake, I understand that pepper spray should be used. Otherwise, I believe it is inhumane. Some kids might have some kind of physical ailment that could cause much more harm if they come in contact with pepper spray. The agent’s plans also include some commands that should be use before pepper spray is used. This is also a good idea because pepper spray should not have to be used if it is not needed. Warning a youth of pepper spray before actually using it might seize the situation at that point, and no pepper spray would need to be used. I believe their proposal is very assuring, and should really be heard with open ears. It should limit injuries and put less youths at harm of being pepper sprayed. The problem with pepper spray is that officers are becoming familiar with the use of it, therefore much more force of pepper spray is being used.


Anonymous said...

The pepper spray issue has become a problem now. I agree how this case is being handled by the Texas Youth Commission as they have restricted the use of pepper spray among kids. This issue was sparked by an office that used pepper spray on a youth during a confrontation with a youth. The new plan proposed by the Texas Youth Commission would seize the use of the spray on youths. If not, then at least limit the amount that is being ejected from the can. Limiting the amount would significantly prevent abuse by an officer. This is not the correct way to restrain kids who are acting out of the ordinary. We should instead correct them through love instead of physical abuse. If not then they become to physical abuse which may ruin the kids future as violence becomes a normal part of there life. After all they are kids, not criminals so why use the same method? Also pepper spray is an aerosol, so it affects everyone in the room. There maybe kids who have medical issues or allergies to pepper which could at worse cause death like my colleague Ahmad has stated. Like taser guns, officers must be sprayed with pepper spray before they are issued it. If it’s hard enough for an officer to withstand the pain, imagine how a young one would try to cope with the pain. This proposal will not be taken lightly because every parent should have a say in this as the outcome of this proposal will affect every parent’s child, maybe not today, but in the near future. Would like your kids to receive the same punishment as a criminal?

BLO said...

Seems that our current decades police focus on finding new non lethal weapons is getting creative. Pepper spray is really dangerous, especially on youth because of the strong allergic reactions. I can see the fine line between protecting the officers while allowing them have an effective non lethal weapon vs. unruly people. Adding extra buricradic rules does not make since as these situations are already tense. Not sure of a good answer other than I am glade to see its being reviewed.

Amelia said...

I really don't think pepper spray should be used on youth because the effects are many to be using it on children. The spray causes temporary blindness, burning and tearing eyes, shortness of breath, confusion and disorientation on a person. Besides, i don't think a kid has that much of strength to knock down an arm policeman. Therefore, the Texas Youth Commission should prevent this from happening because its not proper for youth's health.